Our clients often unexpectedly face estate-related issues of probate and tax liability. They rely on our network of expert appraisers to determine and thoroughly document the value of their diverse collections.
Our specialists have provided appraisals for antiques, decorative and fine arts, and household contents from the 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries for over twenty years.
The IRS and insurance companies readily accept our reports so estate matters can move forward with certainty. All Appraisal Practice assignments conform to the Uniform Professional Appraisal Practice Standards (USPAP).

- Filing IRS form 706: We can provide room by room itemization of property focusing on items $3,000 or more or collections $10,000 or more, with items of lesser significance grouped together.
- Estate Planning, Division and Disposal: Appraisals help plan for current or future distribution of your estate. Ensure your property goes where you wanted and isn’t accidentally thrown away. Our thorough reports help you value and divide property the way you want among beneficiaries.
- Charitable Contributions: Houck Asset Verification helps clients prepare for tax issues in advance by providing charitable contributions appraisals for property $5000 or more, and assisting with the completion of IRS Form 8283.
- Anticipated Purchase or Sales: Houck Asset Verification can help you determine and document the current value of your property and provide guidance for selling, whether you have unlimited time to sell (orderly liquidation) or are faced with the necessity of an expedient sale (forced sale or liquidation).
- Expert Witness and Litigation Support: Services include pretrial and trial services such as attorney consultations, pretrial depositions, case and document review, appraisal reviews and expert witness testimony.
We can provide insurance appraisals to protect your tangible assets by adequately and properly insuring them.
Clients gifting items of personal property use us to help them determine Fair Market Value for faster completion of IRS form 709 United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return.
- Consultations: Suzanne offers consultations in her office or your home when you don’t need a written report but still would like help with identification and valuation.
- Speaker: Suzanne often participates as a speaker/presenter for professionals and individuals interested in the personal property appraisal field. Financial planners, realtors, bankers, public and private clubs, and organizations have all used Suzanne to educate audiences interested in valuing property, the appraisal profession in particular, and current market trends.